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2020 Geospatial Workshop

The working group held their annual workshop over 6 separate Zoom sessions which were attended by over 60 scientists, post-docs, research leaders, and data managers. The sessions included an annual meeting of the working group, four tutorials on high-performance computing including 1 tutorial on the use of machine learning, and a symposium on the use of AI techniques in agricultural research. Detailed information on all the sessions, including recordings (to be posted soon), can be found on the session pages of the workshop website.

Visit the workshop website for more information

Session 1: Annual Meeting of the SCINet Geospatial Research Working Group

Session 2 Tutorial: Intro to the Ceres HPC System Environment (SSH, JupyterHub, basic linux, SLURM batch script)

Session 3 Tutorial: Intro to Distributed Computing on the Ceres HPC System Using Python and Dask

Session 4: Tutorial: Computational Reproducibility Tools (Git/Github, Conda, Docker/Singularity containers

Session 5 Tutorial: Distributed Machine Learning: Using Gradient Boosting to Predict NDVI Dynamics

Session 6 Symposium: Challenges and opportunities in leveraging machine learning techniques to further sustainable and intensified agriculture