High-Performance Computing. Training. High-Speed Networking.
What is SCINet?
The SCINet initiative is an effort by the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) to grow USDA’s research capacity by providing scientists with access to high-performance computing clusters, high-speed networking for data transfer, and training in scientific computing.
Upcoming Trainings and Events
An Introduction to Machine Learning for Science
This workshop will give participants a hands-on introduction to the basic concepts and techniques needed to understand machine learning and to apply machine learning methods to scientific research.
Animal Behavior AI - Initial Working Group Meeting
This SCINet working group aims to explore the potential benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in animal behavior research. The working group will provide an open platform where participants can share knowledge, discuss challenges, and explore opportunities for leveraging high-performance computing resources through SCINet to advance animal behavior research.
SCINet Corner · Data transfer using Globus
Data transfer to, from, and among SCINet systems (Ceres, Atlas, and Juno) using Globus
Featured Stories
SCINet as a Resource for Safeguarding and Advancing ARS's Biological Collections
Across the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) there are nealy 100 biological collections containing millions of preserved and viable specimens including animal tissues, seeds, fungal cultures, plant accessions, pinned insects, and viral isolates. These specimens and the data about them document and support ARS research efforts and are an integral part of delivering on the Agency’s mission.
Monte Carlo simulations on Atlas for soil content determinations
The Monte Carlo Method, or multiple probability simulation, is a mathematical technique used to estimate possible outcomes of uncertain events. The Monte Carlo Method was applied for nuclear problems by John von Neumann and Stanislaw Ulam during work on the Manhattan Project.
SCINet Resources for Photogrammetry
Scientists at the NWRC use UAS to research long-term vegetation dynamics in sagebrush-dominated rangelands. Multispectral, hyperspectral, and natural color imagery are collected to study the effects of fire, grazing, and invasive weed encroachment.
Find out how SCINet can enable your research
Working Groups
Information about how our collaborators currently use SCINet
Fellowship Opportunities
SCINet-funded research fellowship opportunities for PhD and MS level graduates
How to Use SCINet
Quick Start guide to getting up and running with SCINet
Running Analyses
Guides for running different analyses
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions asked about SCINet
Need Help?
Find who you need to contact for specific issues or requests