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SCINet Corner

Provided by: SCINet Corner

The SCINet Corner is a recurring virtual gathering to provide a space for people to meet and discuss SCINet-related items. The main idea is that SCINet users with similar interests can get help from each other. This virtual meeting will provide space for, and facilitate, these interactions on the first or second Thursday of the month.

Location: SpatialChat

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SCINet Corner Recordings

  • Introduction to Slurm: How to run computing jobs on SCINet clusters

    • The common parameters you can specify, e.g., number of cores and wall time limit.
    • How to request an interactive job
    • How to write and submit batch scripts
    • How to check the job queue
    • Introduction to Slurm: How to run computing jobs on SCINet clusters - Thursday, June 20, 2024, 1-2 pm ET
  • Open OnDemand: Web-based access to SCINet

    How to access SCINet computing resources and applications through your browser. This presentation will cover how to log on to Open OnDemand for Ceres and Atlas, followed by an overview of popular applications available on Open OnDemand.

    • Open OnDemand: Web-based access to SCINet - Thursday, May 16, 2024, 1-2 pm ET
  • Galaxy: a web-based platform for data-intensive bioinformatics analyses

    This presentation will cover what Galaxy is, logging in, uploading data, and examples of data analysis on Galaxy

    • Galaxy: a web-based platform for data-intensive bioinformatics analyses - Thursday, April 18, 2024, 1-2 pm ET
  • Command Line Tips Continued

    We will continue talking about tips and tricks related to Ceres command line techniques.

  • Command Line Tips and Tricks

    In continuation of the theme to re-introduce users to SCINet, we will be covering some tips and tricks on the command line that help you do certain routine jobs faster.

    • Command Line Tips and Tricks - Thursday, October 19, 2023, 1-2 pm ET
  • Python in Jupyter

    Alex presented on how to use Jupyter as a Python coding environment

  • Getting started with Python programming

    Alex presented on the fundamentals of getting started with Python programming.

    • Getting started with Python programming - Thursday, June 1, 2023, 1-2 pm ET
  • Continues Exploration of R and Intro to dplyr

    Viswanathan Satheesh continues exploration of R after the previous SCINet Corner (November 3, 2022) and provides an introduction to dplyr.

  • Introduction to ggplot2

    Viswanathan Satheesh provides an introduction to programming in R with emphasis on ggplot2.

    • Introduction to ggplot2 - Thursday, November 3, 2022, 1-2 pm ET
  • A Brief Introduction to R

    Viswanathan Satheesh presented on A Brief Introduction to R.