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Request Resources

Below are instructions for how to make a request for Software, Storage, or AWS resources.

Software Request

Before sending VRSC a software request do the following:

  1. Make sure the software isn’t already available as a module by checking the lists of module software on the Preinstalled Software List page.

    If you only need a different version of a software package that is already installed on CERES please email scinet_vrsc@USDA.GOV.

  2. Consider whether you should install the software yourself in your home or project directory - see the Preinstalled Software List for more details.

    You may want to use Conda for package, dependency, and environment management- see this guide about how to use conda on SCINet.

    If you’re not sure whether you should install software yourself or if you need help, email scinet_vrsc@USDA.GOV. Software that will be useful to many SCINet users should be installed as a module by the VRSC.

How to send a software request

If you’ve done the above but need new software installed as a module, use the software request form (eAuthentication required, non-ARS users should contact their sponsor):

Software Request Form

Note: doing this requires an agency-level security review and takes a few weeks.

Storage Request

When a user applies for a SCINet account, they are allocated space on Ceres in a /home directory. Each user is allowed 10GB of data in the home directory.

Users are advised to request additional space in the /project directory. Project directory storage is large, fast, not backed up, and can be requested up to 1TB or larger if justified. Project directory storage is good for fast I/O to large data files from compute nodes. The new project requests and request for changes must be submitted by the ARS project’s Principal Investigator (PI).

To Modify an Existing SCINet Project Allocation

The PI should send an email that includes:

  • the name of the project directory (/project/<projectname>/) and
  • the requested changes

to the SCINet Virtual Research Support Core (VRSC) scinet_vrsc@USDA.GOV.

To Request a Quota Increase for an Existing SCINet Project Allocation

SCINet users have access to a large short-term storage /90daydata which has no quotas. When requesting a project quota increase on Ceres or Atlas the PI will need to justify the request and explain why using /90daydata is not sufficient.

To request project quota increase for storage on Ceres, Atlas and/or Juno fill out the following application form:

Request Project Quota Increase

Please Note: Only the project manager or the project PI can request a quota increase. Any requests sent by other individuals will be declined.

To Request a New Project Allocation

When requesting additional data storage you will be asked for:

  • a project summary,
  • project end date,
  • and to detail your long-term plan for data in your project directory after your project end date.

To request a new project directory, fill out an application form (eAuthentication required, non-ARS users should contact their sponsor):

Please Note: Only full-time ARS employees are able to submit these requests. Any requests sent by other individuals will be declined.

Request Project Storage

AWS Request

SCINet provides AWS at no cost to SCINet users with suitable workloads. A limited amount of funding is available annually. Interested SCINet users must submit a SCINet AWS Project Request to be considered for AWS funding.

To Add/Modify AWS Resources for an Existing SCINet Project

Send an email that includes:

  • the name of the project directory (/project/<projectname>/) and
  • the requested changes

to the SCINet Virtual Research Support Core scinet_vrsc@USDA.GOV.

This includes requests for additional funding.

To Request a New SCINet-funded AWS Project

Fill out an application form (eAuthentication required, non-ARS users should contact their sponsor)

Request AWS Project

Requests will be reviewed and projects funded based on criteria such as suitability for AWS versus other SCINet computing resources (e.g., Ceres, Atlas), resource requirements estimated from the project description, and availability of SCINet funding.