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UAS Data Wrangling Workshop

Provided by: Mississippi State University

Screenshot of Pix4D Mapper software

On March 23, 2021, 50 ARS researchers and university collaborators participated in a UAS Data Wrangling workshop hosted by Mississippi State University Geosystems Research Institute (GRI). The workshop, led by Lee Hathcock with GRI, outlined the various common unmanned aerial system (UAS) payloads such as RGB and multispectral imagers, hyperspectral sensors, and LIDAR. A sample processing flow was demonstrated in two of the popular commercial photogrammetry suites, Agisoft Metashape and Pix4D Pix4Dmapper, producing a reflectance-corrected and georeferenced orthomosaic from each software suite.

The training is set to be offered again virtually in late spring (date TBD). Those interested in registering for the upcoming training can contact Dixie Cartwright, dixie at gri dot msstate dot edu to be added to the waitlist.


Workshop Slides (284Mb)

    • Tuesday, March 23 · 2021