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Session 3: Fundamentals of parallel processing

Session Rules

  • Chat questions/comments take first priority - Chat your question/comments either to everyone (preferred) or to the chat moderator (Ryan Lucas) privately to have your question/comment read out loud anonymously. We will answer chat questions first and call on people who have written in the chat before we take questions from raised hands.
  • Share your video when speaking - If your internet plan/connectivity allows, please share your video when speaking.
  • Keep yourself on mute - Please mute yourself when not speaking.

Learning objectives

The overall objective of this session is to provide a foundation in parallel processing terminology and HPC-usage basics before applying these concepts in the upcoming tutorials. Please see the links listed in Session 11 for additional parallel processing training opportunities.

  • Define an ‘embarassingly parallel’ problem
  • Apply a parallelization approach flowchart to a geospatial problem
  • Describe the basic SLURM job submission parameters
  • Identify the appropriate Ceres or Atlas partition for a job


This session will be a lecture with slides covering the following content:

  • Trade-offs in parallel processing: effort, time, communication
  • How to approach parallelization: a geospatial example
    • Determine where in your workflow the most time is spent
    • Flow chart: parallelization approaches
    • Choosing number of cores
  • SLURM jobs, nodes, and partitions

Watch a recording of this presentation.