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Tutorial: Geospatial code development using VS Code and Python

This tutorial will illustrate how to use Visual Studio (VS) Code, a flexible development environment available on SCINet’s Ceres cluster, to develop Python scripts. By the end of the tutorial, participants will know how to access VS Code in Open OnDemand and use it to navigate files on Ceres, access Python packages, and develop and execute Python scripts. 

Additional details and instructions for the tutorial will be added closer to the event. A recording of the tutorial will be added after the workshop concludes.

Tutorial setup instructions

Steps to prepare for the tutorial sessions:

  1. Login to Ceres Open OnDemand at For more information on login procedures for web-based SCINet access, see the SCINet access user guide.

  2. Launch a VS Code session. Under the Interactive Apps menu, select VS Code. Specify the following input values on the page:

    • Account: geospatialworkshop
    • Queue: short———Max Time: 2-00:00:00
    • QOS: 400thread
    • Number of cores: 2
    • Memory required: 16GB
    • Number of hours: 2
    • Optional Slurm Arguments: --reservation=workshop
    • Working Directory: /90daydata/shared/${USER}
    • Codeserver Version: 4.17

    Click Launch. The screen will update to the Interactive Sessions page. When your Jupyter session is ready, the top card will update from Queued to Running and a Connect to VS Code button will appear. Click Connect to VS Code.

  3. Open the terminal
    • Select the Menu (upper left)
    • Select ‘Terminal’
    • Select ‘New Terminal’
  4. Install Python and Jupyter extensions Find the Extensions tab on the left side. Search for ‘Python’ and ‘Jupyter’, and install each extension.

  5. Activate the virtual environment Select the pre-installed environment, so that the interactive window automatically loads the correct environment.
    • Select the Menu (upper left)
    • Select ‘View’
    • Select ‘Command Palette’
    • Type ‘Python: Select Interpreter’ into the command palette window
    • Select ‘+Enter interpreter path…’
    • Enter:
  6. Activate the environment: by pasting the following command in the terminal:

    source /project/geospatialworkshop/2024/grwg_2024_env/bin/activate
  7. Open ‘’ from /90daydata/shared/$USER/tutorial2.