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SCINet Workbooks

    • Data Science Workbook

      Being a modern scientist requires familiarity with digital data processing regardless of the field. The Data Science Workbook summarizes the basics of background knowledge & good practices tips, proposes state-of-the-art tools and methods based on benchmarks & reviews, and provides the user with hands-on tutorials to learn through examples of real-world applications.

    • Bioinformatics Workbook

      The Bioinformatics Workbook created by Andrew Severin and colleagues at Iowa State University has guides and tutorials extending well beyond the bioinformatics community. Researchers of all backgrounds can use the workbook for UNIX command line basics, HPC info, project management tips, and data visualization tutorials. For bioinformatics researchers there is also information on experimental design, genome assembly and annotation, RNA sequencing, variant discovery, and more.

    • Geospatial Workbook

      The Geospatial Research Working Group contributes content to the Geospatial Workbook, a site dedicated to providing practical geospatial tutorials for SCINet users. Tutorials from our previous workshops and other meetings are available there for general use.